I ordered my chicks last Saturday, Buff Orpingtons. I had my heart set on Dorkings, both because they're an endangered breed and because I loved the name. I could picture myself calling them at night - "here Dorks, time to come in Dorks." Apparently I waited too long to order them (February was too late??) because I could find only very limited supplies, not available until months down the road. I wanted my babies grown and ready to lay before winter!
I remembered somebody telling me Farm & Fleet had Chick Days, so I headed down to put in my order. They didn't have Dorkings but they did have Buff Orpingtons, which were also on my short list. They're supposed to be good winter layers and enjoy being with people and animals. That's good, since I'm still wondering how they'll do with Hershey the dachshund and Rusty and Fiona (my cats). When the chicks are grown, they'll be taller than Hershey!
April 25 is my "due date". After I placed the order, I felt sort of like I did when I found out I was pregnant. Excited, scared, a feeling of "do I know what I'm doing" but fortunately no morning sickness. I wanted to order a couple of Silkie chickens for the kids too, since they fell in love with them at the zoo. I was having trouble finding a place where I could order just a couple so I put out a request on a couple of friends' Facebook pages and lo and behold, I found someone to go in on an order with me! No "due date" for the Silkies yet, they haven't been ordered.
Now it's time to get the brooder ready and read all the chicken books I've been buying for the past year. I think I have more chicken books than I had baby books! Now if only someone would write "What To Expect When You're Expecting Chicks".