I think we may need to rename Shake the Silkie.
We've been debating a name change ever since Bake died last summer. It kinda seems silly to have Shake without Bake but nobody could think of a good one. I want something that reflects his personality, which is sort of butt-head rooster. Shakey likes to make a move on the hens and does NOT like being picked up and cuddled, unlike Buttercup who loves to snuggle.
The other morning I went out to do the daily chicken chores and I had the big door open into the coop. Shake and Buttercup had been flapping at each other earlier and Buttercup was standing in the doorway, enjoying a rare 45+ degree January day in the Midwest. Suddenly Shake ran over and tackled Buttercup! The two of them tumbled out of the coop and Shake landed in the chicken feed bucket. Don't worry, they're both fine. Shake is molting (loosing a few feathers, perfectly normal) and it's showing up the worst on his head. Right now he just has 2 feathers, one on either side of his head. I don't want to say he looks devilish, but...
Apparenly I have either a ninja chicken or a budding defensive tackle. The kids want to rename him after some character in one of their videogames who's a tough guy (I can't keep those games straight) but I'm leaning more towards a football-type name like we did with Forte. Maybe the Harbowl, I mean Super Bowl, coming up in a couple of weeks will provide inspiration. You hear that 49ers and Ravens defense? Who wants to have a weird Silkie rooster named after him?
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