Monday, August 13, 2012

Forte's not going anywhere!

We've got us a rooster and he's not going to become dinner!  Bud admitted to me that when he was looking at chicken videos online, he was kinda hoping Forte was a boy (like we need more testosterone at my house).  Right now the game plan is to let Mother Nature take her course and hopefully hatch a few more babies.  I mean, they were adorable at 2-3 days old when we got them but to see them fresh from the shell?  That's going to be too cute.  It'll probably happen when I'm at work though.

Here's a short video I did this morning, capturing Forte's wake up call.  Ignore the mess on the patio, we're working on the house.

Hee hee.  The boys were still asleep after I took the video so I snuck into their room and played it for them.  They must have jumped a foot!  Hee hee again.

Forte's a good rooster.  He doesn't let the girls out until he's done an inspection of the chicken run.  One of the girls tried to make a run for it when I opened the door and he chased her away.  I let 'em run loose in the garden in the afternoon after work but there's just not enough time first thing in the morning.  He doesn't make much more noise than the John Deere factory across the river from us or any of the neighborhood kids. 

I just can't believe Bud wanted a rooter.  He didn't want them for the longest time, and then he only wanted 3 (good thing I didn't listen since we've already had 2 fatalities).  Now he wants babies.  Well, better chickie babies than people ones!

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