Thursday, October 18, 2012

Meanwhile, back in the nest box...

Oh, things have gotten strange at Fractured Farms.  Did I mention we now have 3 roosters?  Yep, the two little Silkies I picked out were boys.  I had a 50/50 chance of them being boys and I tend to have rotten luck.  Fortunately, Shakey and Buttercup are ok with Forte being the boss and he hasn't tried to go after them.  Shakey and Buttercup have little fights but they're hysterical (I never have my phone with me when they duke it out).  They'll both fluff up their necks like those gila (sp?) monsters and try to look all fierce.  Then they'll jump at each other and occasionally leapfrog over the other one.  I figure it's like puppies play fighting.  Whatever, it's cute.

Speaking of my boy Forte, he's still quite the ladies' man, although I was wondering about him last night.  When I went to close up the coop for the night, he was in the nest box that gets the most use.  A rooster in a nest box.  Okayyyyy...if I hadn't seen him mount the hens on numerous (numerous!) occasions, I'd start to wonder about Forte being confused about his sexuality.  Hey, if anybody would end up with a slightly confused rooster, it'd be me.

The girls are little egg laying machines!  We usually get 3-4 eggs a day, which is pretty awesome since there're only four layers.  The kids keep finding white feathers in the nest box and Shakey is the only one with white feathers, so they think Shakey is a girl, except I've seen him (her?) crow, or try to.  It's pretty funny and pathetic.  Maybe I have two confused little chickens.  I really think Shakey is a rooster and so does Bud.  He's heard all three of the boys going off, one after the other.  First Shakey and Buttercup crow, and they're pretty bad (imagine the William Hung of roosters) and then Forte will show them how it's done.  I'm trying hard to get that on video too.

Since we're getting a bunch of eggs, I decided to boil up a few for lunches.  I'm SO glad my friend Michelle in Texas got me that fresh egg cookbook!  I had to look up how to boil eggs.  I mean, I know how to boil eggs; I've been cooking since I was 10 and I used to win lots of blue ribbons for cooking at the county fair.  Cooking with "real" eggs is different than using the ones from the store.  The ones from the store are who knows how old, so they peel easily after they're boiled.  "Real" ones don't peel that easily unless you let them sit out for a few days or boil them for 15 minutes and then immediately put them in ice water.  Out of a half dozen eggs, I think only one didn't peel decently.  That's not bad.

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