Monday, October 1, 2012

Oh boy, oh boy...

Ok, I know it's been a while since I posted.  I kinda forgot my Blogger login info.  I forgot which email account I used.  See, between both jobs and home, I check 5 email accounts a day.  The one for the Blogger account was the Gmail one I had to get when I got my smartphone and I only use it for Blogger, so it doesn't get checked a lot.  I don't exactly have an IT department, so I had to assemble the archaeology team to dig through my desk until the Post-It with the log in info was unearthed.  So sorry 'bout that.

Anyway, big chicken news!  Apparently Forte is not the only rooster at Fractured Farms.  We had a report of Buttercup the Silkie crowing, and one day when I went to see if Buttercup was going off, I discovered Shake the Silkie crowing.  I caught Buttercup crowing the next day.

Oh boy, oh boy.

Everybody still seems to be getting along.  Forte is actually teaching the Silkies how to crow!  It's so cute.  Forte will go off and then a couple minutes later you'll hear one of the Silkies croaking out a fairly decent crow.  They don't seem as loud as Forte so maybe they won't make a whole lot of noise.  Bud's worried about bothering the neighbors.  I don't know why - my mother in law lives next door and loves all the crowing.  We planted some hedges between us and another neighbor, which should help block some of the noise.  Besides, we have another neighbor who's louder than all three of the boys put together!

The only thing I'm worried about is aggression but I haven't seen any yet.  Forte is bigger than Buttercup and Shakey put together and he's established himself as the Big Kahuna of the coop.  Maybe the Silkies are ok with him being the big boss.  And maybe the Cubs will still win the World Series...

1 comment:

  1. The theme from My Three Sons is going through my head now.
