Monday, September 8, 2014
Not Enough Lap
Monday, September 1, 2014
Escape Artists
Here's another one that I didn't read about in the chicken books. Some of my feathered kids have turned into escape artists. If I don't open the coop soon enough in the morning, some of my little dears will stage a jailbreak. Don't let them fool you; "dumb cluck" is a contradiction of terms.
Take Honey, for example. I named her Honey because at first she wasn't the brightest crayon in the box and you just wanted to say "oh honey,, bless your heart..." Don't let that sweet face fool you though; if there's a way out of the coop or the run, she'll find it and stage a break worthy of a Stallone movie. The other morning, I went out to parole the chickens and Honey and Fuzzy were roming around the back yard. The minute they saw me, they hightailed it back to the run, squeezed under the gate and stood there blinking innocently at me. It turns out they had popped the screen out of the window and literally flew the coop. So I had two escape routes to fix - the window and the gate. Just what I needed before coffee.
The good thing is that if I can keep Honey in the coop, the others will stay in too. Not only is she a bad influence, but she's the smallest of the chickens. It's just a good thing she's cute and a good layer, and I'm a real softie. She'll break out of the run and when I put her back in, she'll peck around the yard, clucking happily and I forgive her for being naughty.
At least they don't go far when they escape. Dogs will roam for miles and cats can go anywhere but chickens will stay close to their coop. The farthest they'll go is the side of the garage near the front of the house. My only concern is that hawks, eagles and neighbor dogs will go after them so that's why they don't get to free range all day, every day.
I should write a book...
Tuesday, August 5, 2014
Baby (chicken) fever
It looks like we're not going to have babies at Fractured Farm this year.
Waaaaaaaaah! I want babies!!
Not people babies, no way. The factory is shut down. If I end up in a family way again, bloodshed will be involved. I cruised past 47 this year gang; a new munchkin would mean all sorts of sucky tests and probably no caffeine. Battle hardened Marines don't want to be around me when I'm told I can't have coffee.
No, I'm talking baby chickens. This time last year Cheeto and Honey were under Mama and we were on Hatch Watch. I was reading books and the kids were trying to peek under Mama but she'd peck at them whenever they got too close. I understood; I wasn't always a cheerful pregnant lady either. At least her kids weren't kicking her bladder and making her barf several times a day.
The boys are trying though. I feel sorry for Fuzzy. He keeps trying to get some action and just gets pecked on the head for his efforts. Do they make blow up hens? Cheeto does better, but he has really bad aim. He was sideways once. That's not going to get the job done. Buttercup has been trying to coach him and that's helped, except he's gotten caught in the middle a few times. I've read a LOT of books about chickens and none of them have covered chicken porn. Please tell me I'm not the only one with an X rated coop.
Animals won't breed when it gets too close to winter so we're running low n baby chicken making time. Maybe I need to put my tablet in the coop and play a little Michael Buble. ..
Monday, July 21, 2014
So Much For My Jenna Woginrich Moment
This morning I thought sure I was having a Jenna moment. The kids were sleeping in, it was quiet out back, and I was doing the morning chores with the chickens. I filled up the waterer, tore up bread (because Honey will lose her mind if she doesn't get bread every morning), put out the little pail of sunflower seeds so the girls will go bobbing for seeds and scattered chicken feed around. Chickens were clucking, Cheeto was crowing now and then and it was so peaceful and nice. It was exactly what I was picturing last winter when the Polar Vortex had me pulling the curtains and watching anything on TV that showed green grass. Buttercup pushed up against me and I pulled him into my lap for our morning cuddle. He snuggled against me, cooing and making all sorts of cute chicken noises and I thought, "I could get used to this." After a minute though, he hopped off my lap and scuttled off, which is unusual for him. I thought maybe he'd caught sight of an interesting bug.
Then I saw my t-shirt.
Biiiiiiig wet spot.
The little creep peed on me!
Nobody has peed on me since I learned how to change a diaper in under 30 seconds!
I bet Jenna's chickens don't pee on her.