Right now, much of the US is suffering from a hardcore heat wave. We're talking Midwest fair week weather - hot and humid, making you want to watch "The Day After Tomorrow" a few times to feel cooler. And of course, I can't find the back issue of "Backyard Poultry" that has the article on keeping chickens cool in summer. I knew right where it was during our last ice storm but not now that I need it.
Yesterday could only be described by 2 words - swamp ass. Or "hotter than Hell" but that's 3 words. I filled the waterer with ice cubes before work and I had the kids check the babies every couple of hours. When I got home, they were panting and I flashed back to the day I found Tweetie panting under the coop. Oh crap. My mother in law wanted us to bring the kids in the house but Bud wouldn't go for it. Hershey the weenie dog would have loved it though.
So once again, I did the only think I could think to do - Google. A few minutes later a fan was in the coop. Yep, IN the coop. At first the chicks were freaked out by the noise, so we put it on low so they could get used to it. Right about then my mother in law came over, swearing that she could smell the chicks frying. Eventually they got used to the fan so we could turn it up. I checked later and they were standing in front of the fan, occasionally turning so their tail feathers could get cool. Sometimes one would flap a few times - I suppose chickens can have sweaty pits too and I'm not putting Right Guard on chickens.
We got a break in the temps today; right now it's a chilly 89 degrees with a heat index of 94 - much better than yesterday's 100 degrees and heat index of 116. But it's only the end of June. It's gonna be a loooooong summer.
Freeze water in plastic bottles and put them in with the chickens. They can rub up against the plastic and the condensation to get cool as well.