Monday, June 4, 2012

I need voice recognition software.

If you've been wondering why there haven't been many posts lately, besides photos, I'll tell ya.  My arms have been killing me.  I have a desk job (technically 2 desk jobs, but that's another blog post) and I do a lot of typing.  Not anything that really requires upper body strength.  I have found myself scrunched up in corners, using a air compressor powered staple gun to attach chicken wire to various parts of the coop this week, usually held over my head.  Ow.  I have spent I don't know how much time this week wishing I could go back to high school and take fewer home ec classes and more shop. 

The good news is that all that stapling means that the coop is DONE!  We moved the girls in on Saturday and they took it...ok.  I won't say well, but ok.  We had a little parade of chicken movers and it was fun seeing them in their new home.  My mother in law's dog, Bella, is in seventh heaven.  She can see her chickie babies whenever she wants!  We still keep a close eye on them, but so far Hershey, Bella and Butter have been good.  I don't think Rudo and Ellie, the Rhodesian Ridgebacks next door, and Max, the whatever he is on the other side, have notice the chickens yet though.

The chicks still haven't gotten it through their heads that they have to go into the coop at night.  They can get out in the morning just fine (although Tweetie fell off the ramp the first time) but they don't understand "go inside to go night night" yet.  I wait until they start hunkering down in the run and then we start moving them.  That's been interesting.  You put one in, go for the second and the first tries to get out.  It seems to go better once we get Tweetie in - then the others go "oh, maybe we need to be in there."  There's an Orpie that really needs to be seen by the Big 10 scouts though - she's good at faking going one way and then going the other.  Logan says she's like Will Forte from the Bears, so she might become Forte.

What, you expect my chickens to be normal?  Seriously??

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